Emotional Intelligence

Live. Matter. Thrive. 365.

Become a transformational leader by developing your emotional intelligence

What isEmotional Intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (or EQ) can be defined as the ability to accurately perceive your own and others’ emotions; to understand the signals that emotions send about relationships; and to manage your own and others’ emotions.

Emotional intelligence means being smart about how you respond to your feelings, and the feelings of others.

Emotional intelligence is crucial foreffective leadership

The workplace has changed dramatically. Companies look to their management and leadership teams to do more with less yet be ultra-productive, efficient and highly profitable, while retaining their most valuable assets, the people.

Today’s leaders must demonstrate top notch skills in managing people, leading teams, collaborating, managing conflict and stress while communicating purposefully with empathy to deliver on performance objectives.

Emotional Intelligence gives you the ability to…

Reduce anxiety and stress

Defuse conflicts and improve relationships

Empathize and understand others

Create a better workplace environment

Adjust more easily to change and growth

Gain greater self-awareness and self-control

Live a happy, healthy and rewarding life

Emotional Intelligence by the numbers


Of top performers score high on EQ, as compared to only 20% of low performers


EQ is 400% more powerful than IQ when predicting who will be successful in their field


People with high EQ earn on average $29K more annually than people with low EQ


EQ is responsible for 58% of professional success, regardless of job category, and is the single strongest predictor of performance


Emotional intelligence accounts for nearly 90% of what helps people advance their careers



Of people globally are emotionally intelligent



Of people’s personal and professional achievements occurs because of higher emotional intelligence



Of people are actually self-aware but 95% think they are


“The most effective leaders are all alike in one crucial way: they all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence. It’s not that IQ and technical skills are irrelevant. They do matter, but…they are the entry-level requirements for executive positions.”


How Emotional Intelligence Coaching Works

Let’s partner to create focus about your emotional intelligence competencies. EQ can be measured – more accessibly and less controversially than IQ – and unlike IQ, it can be substantially strengthened and developed.

The process begins with administering an Emotional Intelligence inventory profile (EQ-i 2.0) or an Emotional Intelligence 360 survey (EQ 360).

This is followed by a debrief of your results to gain clarity and perspective of what it all means.

We then create a development plan supported through coaching sessions, and work towards unleashing your untapped potential, increasing your leadership effectiveness, and becoming aware of your emotions and their impact so you can propel higher.

View A Sample EQ-i 2.0 Leadership Report

Emotional Intelligence Coaching begins with an inventory profile examining your EQ results through four key dimensions of leadership: Authenticity, Coaching, Insight, and Innovation.

What would happen if you developed and grew in just 1 area on the emotional intelligence wheel?

How would that help you to live, matter and thrive?

Let’s work together

Emotional Intelligence can be learned

Schedule A Call

Let’s get some clarity on where you’re at, and if we’re the right fit to work together

Focused Coaching Meetings

We make a plan, and have regular meetings for a set period of time

Become an Influential and Inspiring Leader

You feel confident, with greater
self-awareness and self-control

“I’m always amazed about what I’ve accomplished after our sessions, I usually walk away with a new awareness about my business or my approach…that is great coaching!”



Are emotional intelligence tests accurate?
Yes! One of the most reliable, valid and highly researched EQ assessments in the marketplace is the EQ -i 2.0. It is based on Dr. Reuven Bar-On’s research and published by Multi-Health Systems Inc. (MHS).
Can emotional intelligence be learned?
The simple answer is YES. Emotional intelligence is made up of various skills that we can learn. Once we’ve acquired the skills, it’s all about how you use them in your interactions with others. One of the best ways to begin learning about your skills is to take an EQ-i 2.0 (emotional intelligence) inventory self-assessment. This provides you with valuable insight into your key strengths and areas for growth.
Why is emotional intelligence important?
Emotional intelligence enables you to clearly identify and understand your emotions so that you can manage them in a manner that helps you create and foster positive relationships. The benefits are numerous in terms of personal and professional success.
How does emotional intelligence affect leadership?
The workplace has changed dramatically. Companies look to their management and leadership teams to do more with less yet be ultra-productive, efficient and highly profitable, while retaining their most valuable assets, the people.

Today’s leaders must demonstrate top notch skills in managing people, leading teams, collaborating, managing conflict and stress while communicating purposefully with empathy to deliver on performance objectives.

A leader sets the tone for their department and company. Having low levels of emotional intelligence negatively impacts organizational culture, reduces employee engagement and increases employee turnover. Leaders who have high levels of emotional intelligence impact their teams and departments positively and are able to increase employee engagement and performance. The bottom line is that leaders with high levels of emotional intelligence propel higher in both their personal and professional lives.

It’s time to Propel Higher.

Start your journey to become an influential and inspiring leader by scheduling a free consultation below.

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