Unlock Your Leadership Potential With

Find your path to success where you lead confidently and thrive with ease.

Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Even on a Busy Schedule

Are you a manager with a jam-packed life, battling self-doubt when it comes to leadership?

Whether you’re a new manager just starting out, or you’re beginning a new position leading a team, you’re dealing with a lot. You dream of being a better leader, but you’re not sure where to start.

Work and personal life can leave you feeling overwhelmed. You need an affordable solution that won’t eat up too much of your time but will actually make a difference.

Does this sound like you?


“I’m a new leader and I’m feeling lost without a clear path or the know-how to lead effectively.”


“I feel like I’m stuck in my career, and I’m hungry for guidance to boost my confidence as a leader.”

“I’m buried in self-doubt and can’t see my life’s purpose; I need clarity and direction.”
“My personal growth seems to have hit a plateau, and I’m looking for inspiration to become my best self.”
“Networking has always been a challenge for me; I need a supportive community to help me build meaningful professional relationships.”
“I often second-guess my decisions; I want to develop my leadership skills and decision-making abilities.”

If any of this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. 

Many managers like you wrestle with these exact issues.

Imagine Your Life as a Confident Leader

Close your eyes for a moment and envision a future where you’re no longer plagued by self-doubt. Picture yourself as a leader, fully confident in your abilities, and making impactful decisions with ease. 

What does that life look like to you?

Imagine a career that’s no longer a struggle but a source of fulfillment and achievement. Envision personal growth that knows no bounds, as you become the very best version of yourself. Picture having a clear sense of purpose and direction, confidently navigating life’s challenges.

In this vision, you effortlessly make confident decisions, lead with wisdom, and find networking to be a breeze. Your professional relationships are strong, and you’re part of a supportive community that’s there for you every step of the way.

Now, open your eyes, because this vision can become your reality.

Your Path To Unlocking Your Leadership Potential Starts With One Small Action

You don’t need to have it all figured out – you don’t even have to know exactly what your life of “more” looks like just yet.

But you do have to take small, consistent steps and focus on yourself (by showing up for yourself) if you really want to see results.

It’s time to turn that dream into your daily reality. 



Live. Thrive. 365 is the key to unlocking this future you’ve envisioned. It’s the BEST program for ambitious people like YOU who are ready to dream big and make a huge impact.

You CAN transform your life so that you can thrive as a confident leader, 365 days a year!

Inside the Membership you can unlock the Secrets to Effective Leadership:

Leadership confidence

Gain the confidence to lead with unwavering purpose and clarity.

Becoming a confident leader

Ignite your personal growth and become the very best version of yourself.

Do not be hard on yourself

Discover your true life's purpose and direction.

Top 10 Tips for Giving a Killer Presentation

Master decision-making and elevate your leadership skills.

Use humor

Cultivate meaningful professional relationships within a supportive community.

No more uncertainty, no more feeling stuck. It’s time to thrive as a leader, and in life. 

And the best part?
You can achieve all of this in just 60 minutes, three times a month. This is a small commitment with life-changing results.

Are you ready to turn your vision into reality?

The Perfect Platform To Help You Flourish As A Leader

Experience personal growth like never before with our tailored mentorship programs, designed to help you discover your true potential and purpose in life.

Learn from top industry leaders, helping you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions in your career.

Gain access to a wealth of exclusive leadership resources and expert insights, empowering you to become a more confident and effective leader.

Be part of a supportive network of like-minded individuals, providing you with invaluable opportunities to foster professional growth and collaboration.

Enjoy regular interactive workshops and seminars that will sharpen your leadership skills and boost your self-confidence.

The Membership Is For Leaders Like You

“The coaching helped me stay grounded and stay focused so that I could deliver and make an impact.

I was able to level up my self-awareness and see how I interacted with leadership and employees. It helped me realize how impactful I can be and that piece really excited me because connection with people is really important. And group coaching allowed me to listen to new ideas, learn from others, identify pitfalls and the other members in the program helped me enrich myself professionally and personally.


Before working with Dan, I was wondering how am I going to navigate this new role and culture? What do I need to do to make this better?

I knew I didn’t want my team to feel the same way. But one of the bigger things that has changed for me – I now feel more in control and I have a voice – I know what I want, and now have tools to be able to make changes, create a positive environment for my team and be able to grow in my journey.

Site Reliability Engineering Manager

The coaching that you provide is like having your own personal Jedi.  It’s helpful to have someone on the outside.

As a leader, it can feel like you are on an island … Dan, you provided coaching and community, and there was a oneness about the type of leaders we wanted to be, it opened my eyes to seeing how people were providing servant leadership. I felt much more prepared and the group coaching was super helpful!

Sr. Director of Client Enablement


This membership is perfect for…

The manager who wants to develop and grow the people they support.

The executive who is trying to navigate organizational change and wants to influence and inspire others.

The business owner/entrepreneur who wants to impact more people with their business and make more money.

The organizational leader who has a vision that they want to share with their team.

The 9 to 5 employee who is ready to break away from the mundane routine and propel higher with a career in management and leadership.

The person who wants to live, matter, thrive, 365 days a year.

Meet DanGrisoni

Are You Tired Of All The Other Leadership Nonsense? 

The fluffy, cushion-like “leadership and personal growth” courses, the training programs that take your money and don’t deliver results, the easy, fast and expensive schemes that promise to help you but don’t – you know it’s all nonsense…

I’m over it. And you probably are too!

At Live. Thrive. 365, I’ve crafted a framework to help you start + grow both personally and professionally in a way that feels natural and aligned with your life as a whole.

I understand your situation. Over the past 20 years, I’ve coached and trained thousands of managers and leaders across the globe. I’ve had the privilege of holding senior leadership roles in manufacturing, software technology, telecommunications, and the financial services industries.

I’ve been in your shoes, as a brand-new manager facing self-doubt and uncertainty. I’ve also experienced the challenges of being an experienced leader striving to develop teams and create high-performance cultures in the ever-evolving world of work, all while making a positive impact on the bottom line.

My journey is founded on empathy and experience. I know the path you’re on because I’ve walked it myself.

As a seasoned coach and trainer, my mission is to help you thrive. I’ll help you cut through the clutter so you can effortlessly achieve your personal and professional goals. Ultimately, my goal is to guide you toward a life filled with love, laughter, and meaning because, in the end, you matter.

Trusted By

The Ultimate Leadership Empowerment Kit

Live Training

  • Dan personally teaches you how to become an influential and inspiring leader so you can Live. Thrive. 365.  
  •  1 Training Session per month, Live on Zoom

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

  • Get your leadership questions answered live.  Dan will share his expert advice. 
  • 1 Coaching Call per month, Live on Zoom

Guest Expert Interviews

  • Learn from other leaders! Dan will invite experts from leadership and coaching communities to share their insights with you
  • Quarterly Event, Live on Zoom

Laser Coaching

  • Get a chance to sit in the hot seat and have Dan personally coach you to gain clarity and insight into any pressing issue.
  • 1 Laser Coaching Session per month, Live on Zoom

Resources & Tools

  • Access to leadership tools and resources including ready to use templates
  • Quarterly book recommendations

Membership Directory

  • It’s your chance to propel higher! Be listed in our member directory
  • Get a chance to become our “Member of the Month” and be interviewed as a featured expert.

Community Forum

  • Network and connect with other like-minded leaders who want to Live. Thrive. 365., grow their leadership capabilities and career.
  • Chat, support and celebrate with others while staying connected inside our private forum.


  • Get exclusive discounts on our other programs and save up to 25% just from being a current member
  • Coming Soon: T-shirts, notebooks, and other cool products!


  • Think live events, meet and greets, networking opportunities, retreats, t-shirts and swag – we have BIG plans for the membership, and you’ll get access to all the goodies!


Ready to get started? 

Here’s Your Exclusive Membership Package:

Monthly Live Training 

Templates, Resources, and Tools

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Personal Interviews With Experts

Laser Coaching with Dan

Access to Community Forums

Membership Directory

Exclusive Merch Discounts

Only $97/month


“Are you sure this is worth it?”

That’s a good question, and it’s okay to be skeptical. After all, there are many training programs that just take your money and don’t deliver results.

I know It’s scary to take the plunge, and if that’s what you feel now or if my practical frameworks don’t work for you, you have the liberty to cancel anytime.

But the truth is, investing in yourself requires you to believe that you can achieve. And the real question is – how badly do you want more in your life and career?

People who really want more don’t wait for that perfect moment or opportunity. They don’t wait to have it all figured out. They literally take 1 small step and then another and another.

Here’s what they’re saying…

I implemented strategies learned throughout the mastermind to cultivate my leadership vision.

The clarity and focused results that were gained, directly impacted me as I was launching my entrepreneurship to scale a family-owned business. I was able to amplify my leadership mission and add value to the team.”

President, Anstett Jewellers

Still On The Fence?
Unlock the Answers You Seek

What are my payment options?

You are welcome to sign up and pay using your credit card. You will be charged once a month, and you can cancel anytime.

What is the cancellation policy?

For monthly subscriptions, your payments are billed on the same day every month. You will be charged every 30 days.

When do I have access to the membership site and content?

As soon as you sign up you will receive immediate access to ALL the courses, recordings, training, and content. This content is yours to enjoy as long as you are a member.

What is the schedule for the live training, Q&A Coaching, Guest Spotlights and Laser Coaching events?

Our schedule is posted monthly inside the membership portal. Can’t make a coaching call or event? No problem, recordings of all events will be available in the membership portal library.

What if I’m in a different time zone and cannot attend the live events?

We try to accommodate all time zones, so times vary. You will be able to see a full schedule inside the membership. Can’t make a live training? No worries! All events are recorded and available for you to view on demand inside Live. Thrive. 365. 

How long do I have access to the Membership?

Your membership will be available to you as long as you are a member! If you decide to cancel at any time, your membership will end and you will no longer have access to the content.

What if I miss a Live Event or Q&A Group Coaching Session?

Can’t make a live event or Q&A Group Coaching Session? No worries! All events are recorded and available for you to view on demand inside Live. Thrive. 365. 

Have other questions? Feel free to reach out!


Ready to get started? 

Here’s Your Exclusive Membership Package:

Monthly Live Training 

Templates, Resources, and Tools

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Personal Interviews With Experts

Laser Coaching with Dan

Access to Community Forums

Membership Directory

Exclusive Merch Discounts

Only $97/month

Affordable and Attainable Leadership Transformation

Here’s the bottom line – your dream life is closer than you think, and it doesn’t require massive time commitments or a hefty investment. It’s all within your grasp, designed to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule.

Let’s kickstart your journey:

Enhance Your Leadership Skills: It’s not about spending endless hours; it’s about refining your skills efficiently, becoming a more confident and influential leader.

Connect With Like-Minded People: Networking doesn’t have to be a time-consuming challenge. Build your professional network and make lasting connections with successful leaders, all within manageable timeframes.

Unlock Your Full Potential: Align your personal values with your leadership style and embark on a purpose-driven life without overwhelming time demands.

Join our supportive community where personal and professional growth harmonize with your life. 

Unlock your leadership potential with ease inside The Live. Thrive. 365 Membership.


Ready to get started? 

Here’s Your Exclusive Membership Package:

Monthly Live Training 

Templates, Resources, and Tools

Live Q&A Coaching Calls

Personal Interviews With Experts

Laser Coaching with Dan

Access to Community Forums

Membership Directory

Exclusive Merch Discounts

Only $97/month

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